邀请函 / Invitation |
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近日,第十四届中国国际高新技术成果交易会(高交会)在深圳举行,在本届高交会上,4G、TD-LTE成了最热的关键词。中国移动围绕TD-LTE主线,通过4G概念车、终端芯片、视频会议、远程B超、视频监控、高清视频等多类业务充分体现了4G时代给大众生活带来的改变。截至目前,中国移动积极开展TD-LTE规模试验,在广东的试点城市网络规模最大,走在全国前列。中国香港将在12月18日率先迈入4G时代,届时TD-LTE将正式在中国商用。事实上,除了中国香港以外,TD-LTE已经在全球许多地方生根发芽。目前商用网络已经达到12个,商用合同数量也超过了30个。可以说,从TD-LTE入选国际标准至今,伴随着其产业化、国际化尤其是商用化的快速推进,一幅美丽的画卷正在徐徐展开。 摩尔实验室(MORLAB)将于2012年11月29日在新落成的留仙检测基地举行主题为“3G / 4G无线通信产品测试认证要求”的研讨会。本次研讨会特邀北京星河亮点通信软件有限公司实验室资深工程师一同参与,将为大家介绍3G、4G无线产品的测试认证要求,并将重点介绍TD-LTE的测试认证要求。希望藉此机会与企业进行更多的交流与经验分享,协助客户了解目前最热门的4G无线通信产品等相关问题。 Recently, the 14th Hi-tech Fair has been held in Shenzhen, in which 4G and TD-LTE are the hottest key words. China Mobile Communication Corporation has fully presented the life change resulted from 4G concept cars, terminal chips, video conferences, remote B ultrasonic technology, video monitoring, and HD video, etc. Up to present, China Mobile Communication Corporation has performed TD-LTE experiments in large actively, and the experimental cities in Guangdong province have the most network size, which leads nationwide application. Hong Kong will be the first to enter 4G age on December, 18th, when TD-LTE will be commercially used normally in China. As a matter of fact, besides Hong Kong, TD-LTE has appeared in many other places in the world, and at present, the commercially used networks have reached 12, with more than 30 commercial contracts in total. So to speak, along with the fast development of industrialization, internationalization, especially, commercialization of TD-LTE, a beautiful picture roll of TD-LTE has been being gradually unfolded, beginning from TD-LTE authorized as international standard to nowadays. MORLAB sincerely invite you to attend the “3G / 4G Wireless Communication Product testing and Certification Requirements” seminar on 29th Nov, 2012. We are honored to invite Star Point to join us, appointed time we introduce you the 3G / 4G Wireless communication product testing and certification requirements, and will focus on the introduction of TD-LTE testing and certification requirements . With an interactive discussion and technical knowledge sharing with you, we hope it could help you know more detailed information of 4G. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
地址及日期 / Venue & Date |
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Venue:Training Room, FL.3, Building A, FeiYang Science Park, No.8 LongChang Road, Block 67, BaoAn District, ShenZhen
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议程安排 / Agenda |
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报名形式 / Registration |
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Please kindly fill in below registration form and send back to Ms. Ye Lu by fax or email before 18:00 28th Nov, 2012.
Or please call Ms. Ye Lu to register to the seminar. Tel: (86-755)36698565 Fax: (86-755) 36698525 Email:yelu@morlab.cn | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
回执 / Receipt |
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注:因场地有限,名额150人,名满即止,敬请谅解!请务必清楚填写电邮地址,以便确认报名资料。 附:会场路线图见下页: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
交通位置图 / MORLAB Map |
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摩尔实验室(MORLAB)位置及附近交通线路图 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
编辑:lp.chen |