新旧规则最大的不同是,老规则使用的是ANSI 2007版标准,而新规则使用的是2011版标准。最大的差异体现在新标准将覆盖频率扩展到698MHz到6000MHz,同时,测试方法也做出了改变。新版规则仍然要求达到T3及M3水平的手机才能被认为是助听器兼容的。
The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and the Office of Engineering and Technology (Bureaus) adopt the 2011 ANSI Standard for evaluating the hearing aid compatibility of wireless phones. The Bureaus take this action to ensure that a selection of digital wireless handset models is available to consumers with hearing loss.
DATES: These rules are effective August 16, 2012.
The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in the rule is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of August 16, 2012.